Jordan Peace’s neo-noir crime thriller unfolds in real-time, focusing on the captivating character Butterfly, portrayed with depth and nuance by Hudson Laycock. Butterfly, an underground criminal yearning for an exit, experiences a tense reunion with Snake, played by the compelling Charles AJ Griffin, once a trusted friend turned formida
Jordan Peace’s neo-noir crime thriller unfolds in real-time, focusing on the captivating character Butterfly, portrayed with depth and nuance by Hudson Laycock. Butterfly, an underground criminal yearning for an exit, experiences a tense reunion with Snake, played by the compelling Charles AJ Griffin, once a trusted friend turned formidable turncoat. The narrative takes an intense turn when Wolf, portrayed by the dynamic Michael Hurse, assigns Butterfly a job that unexpectedly leads him to Snake, setting the stage for a perilous game of betrayal and revenge.
An idiotic friendship duo are in a race against the clock to find hidden inheritance money before an unknown figure is scheduled to kill them off. As the day continues more and more dirt on the friendship is uncovered before the sinister end ensues.
A gold miner without a permit heads to a forbidden property in a search for gold, in which he stumbles upon two bandits in the middle of a hold up. Whilst the west's most renowned bounty hunter "Royce Royale" is in hot pursuit.
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